The blog on building extraordinary business

New success in SME Instrument and 3 big lessons learned

Few days ago we were opening champagne again! An amazing company, Juniba Ltd, was successful at SME Instrument Phase 1, and we had a privilege to assist them with re-submission and achieving this important win.

Have you developed a product nobody wants?

Is there something worse then, after investing hundreds of hours and significant finances in product development, to realize nobody wants to buy it? And you did everything: Web site is all polished and nice. You are attending all major industry fairs and have a social media guru to present you through all known social media… (CONTINUE READING)

This is how we explained IMPACT to win 2 new Horizon 2020 projects

Have you seen the latest results from Horizon 2020 SME Instrument programme? As EASME reported 189 innovative small and medium enterprises from 24 EU countries will receive 9.1 million EUR for their technology development and commercialization. Result shows that around 9% of the applicants were approved, majority being located in Italy, Spain and UK.

SME Instrument through the eyes of Sir Richard Branson

Have you ever heard of SME Instrument? A European Union funding programme, so popular among small and medium enterprises (SMEs), like newest Iphone is among Apple’s fans. Why it is so popular? Well, if your company gets selected in a fierce competition, you can receive up to 2.5 million EUR to develop and commercialize your best… (CONTINUE READING)

How to speak evaluators language and make him decide you just must get the grant?

Does any of this sound familiar to you: » I will be working on my project over the weekend AGAIN! I have so many unsolved questions which demand so much of my time.« » I have NO CLUE how to present business opportunity. What should I write to convince reviewers?« » I just KNOW we… (CONTINUE READING)

10 ways to change the business model and win (more then) SME Instrument

Letter of rejection, actually rejection of any kind, always sucks. Regardless the area of life it is never a pleasant event. If you wanted to go out on a sunny day when you were a kid and parents said no, if someone close left, if you asked for a raise and it was denied, and… (CONTINUE READING)

5 things I learned evaluating SME Instrument proposals

From June 2014, since I am involved into this very interesting funding instrument, I met a lot of really interesting people from around EU and came across some realy amazing ideas. But I also came to the conclusion that this mass of applications would be halved if applicants would actually read the call and assess… (CONTINUE READING)

Worried if your idea has a potential to win Horizon 2020 SME Instrument?

Start-up and business owners who are examining the possibility to apply within very competitive european call, the SME Instrument, often approach me with the question: »Does my idea stand a chance?« Question is simple, unfortunately the answer isn’t.

Avoiding groundwork? Don’t dream you can win SME Instrument!

I am sure you have explored many times who the winners of the SME Instrument are and what are their projects about. Maybe sometimes you also concluded that your solution is from some reason better. Do you wonder how did the winners present their innovation? For a minute imagine you are an evaluator…

Don’t miss 5 exclusive tips to get selected among 2833 SME Instrument applicants!

  There is a fundamental difference in approach towards SME Instrument between applicants. From personal experience at least five of these”secrets” are determining success even prior project development starts. These are briefly presented in video below. Sure there are more. But I challenge you to watch it and determine if you have what it takes to succeed.